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Von: Mike
Date: 03.Jan.2003
Time: 03:31:13 -0600
Remote Name:
deserted beach-yes;few tourists--yes;good surfing but no surfing scene like Jaco or Dominical; no fancy dining nor fancy hotels; have friends who just opened a nice B&B on the beach; don't look for any gormet meals by candle light; can be rainy and buggy; no traffic; relatively inexpensive; more likely to step in horse manure than get run over; just don't expect anything fancy; email me if you want any more details; I own some property in Matapalo, building a house there, just got back from there on Sunday. A tranquil, relatively secure place where you aren't waiting to get mugged or get your pocket picked; very nice locals and a strange but harmless mix of estranjeros. Mike