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i am planning a trip to Costa Rica and like to know a nice but inexpensive place to stay

Von: aishia
Date: 31.Jan.2003
Time: 03:05:41 -0600
Remote Name:


well my subject pretty much summed it up. i dont care to stay in San Jose, but im mostly interested in seeing the rainforestby canopy, and spend sometime at the beaches, and hopefully see a volcano blow off, or not. im single 41 oldfemale traveling alone so, so if theres anything a single woman should know before going , e.g. clothing, are woan socially acceptaqble to stop in bars unescorted, anything which i may take for granted here in the states which may not be acceptable in C.R. also im from Florida where the attitude is abit different even compaared to many of the states here in the U.S.,ok,thank you for any suggestions, which would make my trip less stressfull and bbasically im looking for cheap hostile rate accomidations .if anyone has any suggestions on lodeging , id love to hear from you, i plan on staying 2 weeks but the accomodations will be for a few days just so i can check to see whats out there before i commit my self to a hell hole for 2 week.....thank you , aishia sanchez........