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Re: f-37 Traveling Alone - where to go?

Von: Denny
Date: 04.Feb.2003
Time: 15:01:17 -0600
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Jeanie, I've been to Jaco, Manuel Antonio, Dominical, etc. If I were you I'd try Montezuma. It's a quaint little town on the Nicoya Peninsula, just a couple of streets, lots of surfers, some good restaurants, all within walking distance. At night there's a restaurant where pretty much everyone meets to watch movies and slurp smoothies or have dinner. (the owner plays recently released films at no charge). The beaches are beautiful, and there are some good restaurants, a couple of waterfalls, all close by. It's not fancy place, actually it's real laid back; and the people are very friendly. You can stay at the Luz de Mono hotel, right across from the beach, park your car and never drive the entire time you are in Montezuma. Here's their website: