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Re: living standard

Von: Phil
Date: 24.Feb.2003
Time: 03:20:28 -0600
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I have spent quite a bit of time in CR and am a property owner, the large cities are the last place I would think of settling. Not to say all are poor choices, the port cities are the worst, followded by the capital and Alajuela from there on its up hill fast. CA in my eyes has less visable crime than most other countries. The smaller higher elevation towns are the very best with little or no bugs and no poisonous snakes. The coast towns are great to visit but to hot and very buggy at night. But no matter where you go in CR you are still in a place that still likes Gringos and the language is not as bad a barrier as one thinks. My other 1/2 does pretty well I am just a real slow learner. Also I have found most everyone very honest. With your retire income life will be very sweet! Our products even though shipped there are about 40% less than here, fruits, veggies are 1/5 meats about half.