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by Taxis? Rent a car? by Buses?by Tour Transfers?

Von: fiora
Date: 07.Mar.2003
Time: 01:54:38 -0600
Remote Name:


My friend and I are travelling to Costa Rica at the end of May. We are women in our 30's, and are having a hard time determining the most practical and relaxing way to travel around. We've read so much about the trechery of the roads, that we're questioning how stressed we'd be during the journey, but we don't want to be bound by the structure of a group tour. Does anyone know how much it would cost to hire cabs to take us from Guanacaste to Arenal, or Arenal to Monteverde, and any cab companies in those areas? I think this would allow us the independence and relaxation we're looking for, I just don't know if it's financially practical. If this would be too pricey, what would you recommend as the next best alternative?