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Re: Hotel Karahe

Von: Ben
Date: 13.Apr.2003
Time: 12:05:32 -0500
Remote Name:


I was in Manuel Antonio for thanksgiving and christmas. The Hotel California is great. Acroos the street from it is the El Mono Azul. They have great people and it is very inexpensive. Yes, you have hot water and all conveniences. Hotel California is a more upscale but I love the environment at El Mono Azul. They have two sloths hanging out in some trees all the time you can see them while you are eating. It is very beatiful. The owners are american, Chip & Jennifer are there names. Great people. Good food too. I am very jealous I want to return very soon. : I'm was planning on staying at the Karahe Hotel in Manuel Antonio, but the number on their web site doesn't seem to work. I was hoping someone that has stayed there recently may be able to relay the number to me. Also, any recommendation on other hotels in Manuel Antonio and Jaco on the beach for around $100 a night would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone for making this board such a great resource of information!!!