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Re: Tobacon and Punta Islita

Von: Donna
Date: 16.Apr.2003
Time: 05:13:33 -0500
Remote Name:


You will love Tabacon for a honeymoon-we were there with our 2 kids but still found it gorgeous and romantic. My 20 yr old daughter said she'll be back with a fiance someday . The pictures on the website did not do it justice. Te landscaping is very well done. The breakfast is wonderful--the Hot Springs are beautiful and alo of fun. I spent 2 hours at the spa- excellent service. The buffet at the Hot Springs was OK-edible but certainly ot gourmet. I heard that the dining room at the Hotel was better It is touristy but I didn't find it a problem--we had a jr suite with a huge bathroom-the shower/tub had a window that opened onto a beautiful view. What a way to bathe Enjoy and have fun!!!! Donna