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Re: Need Advice Today

Von: Giovanna
Date: 15.May.2003
Time: 04:32:11 -0500
Remote Name:


If you are planning on relaxing and bit and looking for some rainforest, beautiful beaches and nature I would reccommend skipping Jaco altogether unless you're planning on surfing....Definitely go to Manuel Antonio/Quepos area. Quepos has a great nightlife and plenty of comforts of civilization with banks, internet, stores, and many great restaraunts. Manuel Antonio's National Park is beautiful! You will see tons of monkeys right on the beach, tons of different species of birds, sloths...the works. You can horse back ride right on the beach or go to some breathtaking waterfalls outside of Quepos. There is also a few Americans in Manueal Antonio that run white water rafting trips and are really great guys...just ask around when you get there. The little town, is well very little and you won't have a problem finding people to show you around and arragne tours for you. Enjoy your stay and Pura Vida!